Manor Beach 2025

Conditions of Application and Membership

  1. The beach privileges granted extend only to the applicant and members of his or her immediate family living with in the postal district of Larchmont 10538 zip code as listed on page two, who are LIVING PERMANENTLY and CONTINUOUSLY in the applicant’s household. This privilege MAY NOT BE RENTED, SUBLET OR TRANSFERRED IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER.
  2. All persons using the beach facilities for any purpose, whether applicant, family member, or guest, must abide by these Conditions of Membership and the rules and regulations of Manor Beach which may be changed from time to time, as well as all instructions by authorized employees of the facility.
  3. All persons using the beach facilities do so at their own risk.
  4. Membership cards must be presented on entrance to the beach area.
  5. Special admittance cards will be issued on request to nursemaids or au pairs (limited to one per family) for use when accompanying children to the beach.  They shall not be used by the individual for admission without children.  Guests are not permitted under the use of this card.  
  6. Daily Guest Fee Rates: Adults $20.00 (14 years and older). Children $10 (13 years old and under)
  7. Guests will be admitted only when accompanied by a person to whom a membership card has been issued.
  8. There will be a charge of $20.00 to replace lost or destroyed membership cards.
  9. If a member lends their membership card to another for use, the card will be confiscated for the remainder of the season without any refund or rebate to the member.
  10. No person in bathing attire will be permitted to enter or leave the beach area.  Street clothing must be worn in all areas of the park.
  11. Children must be supervised at all times.  Failure to observe this rule may result in a request to leave the beach or a suspension of privileges.
  12. Any violation of the foregoing conditions or bathhouse regulations will be considered sufficient reason for beach membership or any privilege to be suspended or canceled without refund.
  13. Should the pavilion or the beach be closed during the season for any cause, no refund will be made for any part of the sum paid for beach privileges.
  14. In case of a potential lottery and your application was not selected for the summer season, a refund will be granted in full. Voluntary withdrawal of an application before the opening date will be granted a refund minus the online transaction fees imposed by our credit card processor. There are no refunds after the opening date.
  15. When submitting your beach application and all associated documents, you affirm that all information provided is accurate and truthful to the best of your knowledge. Any falsification, misrepresentation, or deception of any kind will be taken seriously and may result in the immediate rejection of your application. In the event of fraudulent activity, any fees paid will be nonrefundable, and access to the beach facility in the future will be prohibited.
  16. A withdrawal of any beach related program before the official start date of that program will be grated a full refund minus the original online transaction fee imposed by our credit card processor. There are no refunds after the start date.
  17. All articles must be removed from your rented bathhouse no later than Sunday, September 14 2025.
The Society is not responsible, nor may it be held liable in any way, for any damage or loss of apparel, jewelry, or personal articles of any kind whatsoever left in the bathhouses or any part of the pavilion or park. Employees and staff are forbidden to accept any responsibility for same.  Neither the Society nor any Officer, Trustee, agent, employee or staff member shall be responsible for any injury to persons, or loss of damage to property arising from any cause whatsoever.  Members and guests of Larchmont Manor Beach use the facilities at their own risk.

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